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Main historical facts

1009 The name Lithuania is first mentioned in a document that has survived to this day, The Annals Quedlinburgenses. In 2009, Lithuania will celebrate its first millennium.
13th century The Great Duchy of Lithuania is created. Grand Duke Mindaugas unites princes into a single state and is crowned by the Pope’s legate in 1253.
1323 Grand Duke Gediminas founds the city of Vilnius.
1385 Lithuania and Poland sign the Krėvos Treaty. One of the consequences is that Grand Duke Jogaila marries Jadvyga, a Polish princess, and becomes King of Poland. For this he promises to make Lithuania Christian instead of pagan.
1392-1430 Under Grand Duke Vytautas, Lithuania, whose borders now extend from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea, becomes one the biggest and most powerful states in Europe.
1569 Lithuania and Poland create the Union of Lublin and join together as one republic (Rzeczpospolita), which exists until 1795.
1795-1915 Poland and Lithuania are divided. What remains of Lithuania is swallowed up by the expanding Tsarist Russian empire.
1918,  Feb 16 Lithuania proclaims itself an independent state.
1921 Lithuania becomes a member of the League of Nations.
1940-1990 Lithuania is forcibly occupied by the Soviet Union.
1990, March 11 Lithuania declares the restoration of its independence.
1992  September Lithuania becomes a member of the United Nations.
1993 May Lithuania applies to become a member of the EU.
2004, April 1 Lithuania becomes a member of NATO.
2004, May 1 Lithuania becomes a member of the EU.


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