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Lithuanian National
Tourism Office


Panevėžys is the fifth-biggest city in Lithuania (population 119,000), situated on the shore of the River Nevėžys not far from the Via Baltica highway between Vilnius and Riga. Panevėžys is famous for its theatres and theatre director Juozas Miltinis was named Lithuania’s “Man of the 20th Century” for establishing a popular drama theatre here, which is now named after him.

Panevėžys is also proud of its unique mobile Puppet Theatre, which in winter performs in the centre of the city and in summer tours the villages and towns in a colourful horse-drawn carriage.

Annual international pottery festivals attract artists and craftsmen from around the world. Their works are kept in the city’s art gallery.

If you ever travel to Panevėžys, don’t miss a trip to Anykščiai and its narrow-gauge railway, by far the longest in Europe. This technical curiosity celebrated its 100th birthday in 1999 and is ready to whisk you into the past.



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